Do you have questions about Grace Communion International? Need help understanding who we are or what we believe? Have a faith question you’ve been pondering? We welcome your questions and invite you to send them to us using the form below. Also note below our answers to some commonly asked questions

We have a hierarchical form of church governance. GCI’s denominational administration is led by the president, who is supported by a board of directors. The denomination appoints each congregation’s lead pastor (or pastoral team) who is supported by the congregation’s advisory council. Other congregational leaders are appointed by the lead pastor (with elder ordinations reviewed and approved by the denomination).

Members and interested supporters finance our gospel work through free-will tithes and offerings. In accordance with responsible Christian stewardship, our denomination uses an external, independent auditing firm.

We welcome anyone who wants to learn of Jesus’ love for them, to come to know him, to deepen their relationship with him, and to be part of a fellowship of people who want to follow him.

We have ordained ministers and local congregations throughout North America and many other parts of the world. If you are interested in contacting a minister or in visiting one of our congregations, please feel free to contact us with your questions.

The church encourages women to contribute in leadership roles of every kind, including ordained pastoral ministry

On the Day of Pentecost, Peter proclaimed: “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38). Christians are to be baptized “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).

Water baptism signifies a believer’s repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Baptism signifies a commitment to a new way of life in response to God, the example of Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Our practice is to baptize by immersion, but we accept the previous baptisms of new members, whether or not they were immersed. For an article about baptism, click here.

Since 1999, we have accepted as members those who were baptized as infants in other churches. That decision was based on seeing the fruit of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Because they are already Christians, they don’t need another baptism. When infant baptism is practiced responsibly by the community of faith, it can be viewed as a sign of God’s gracious initiative and a powerful expression of the fact that God loves us before we ever begin to respond to God.

GCI elders offer both infant baptism and believer’s baptism as expressions of God’s unconditional grace and love. 

Through partaking of Communion (the Lord’s Supper), believers participate in the union and communion of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and of all believers, doing so in remembrance of our Savior. Children and members of other denominations may partake of the bread and wine (or grape juice) of Communion if they have faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

No. Universalism is a biblically unsound doctrine, which says that in the end all souls, whether human, angelic or demonic, will be saved by God’s grace. Some Universalists argue that repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ are irrelevant. Universalists typically deny the doctrine of the Trinity, and many Universalists are Unitarians.

Contrary to universalism, the Bible teaches that there is salvation only in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12). In Jesus Christ, who is God’s elect for our sakes, all humanity is elect, but that does not necessarily mean that all humans will ultimately accept God’s free gift. God desires that all come to repentance, and he has created and redeemed humanity for true fellowship with him, but true fellowship can never constitute a forced relationship. We believe that in Christ, God makes gracious and just provision for all, even for those who at death appear not to have yet believed the gospel, but all who remain hostile to God remain unsaved by their own choice.

The Bible affirms that all whose faith remains in Jesus Christ will be saved, and that nothing “can snatch them out of his hand.” The Bible emphasizes the infinite faithfulness of the Lord, the total sufficiency of Jesus Christ for our salvation, the dynamic love of God for all peoples, and the gospel as the power of God for the salvation of all who believe. Having such assurance of salvation, believers are urged to remain firm in the faith and to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (John 10:27-292 Corinthians 1:20-222 Timothy 1:91 Corinthians 15:2Hebrews 6:4-6John 3:16Romans 1:16Hebrews 4:142 Peter 3:18).

Justification is God’s gracious act in and through the faithfulness of Jesus Christ, accomplished on behalf of all humanity, to pronounce to all and establish those who receive this good news by faith as righteous in his sight. Thus, humanity experiences through faith in Jesus Christ divine forgiveness and peace with its Savior and Lord (Romans 3:21-314:1-85:19Galatians 2:16). 

Sanctification is God’s gracious act of accounting and imparting the righteousness and holiness of Jesus Christ to the believer. It is experienced through faith in Jesus Christ and accomplished through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit (Romans 6:111 John 1:8-9Romans 6:222 Thessalonians 2:13Galatians 5:22-23). 

Worship is the divinely created response to the glory of God. It is motivated by divine love and springs from God’s revelation of himself in communion with his creation. In worship, believers commune with God the Father through Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit. Worship involves humbly and joyfully giving God priority in all things and is expressed in such actions and attitudes as prayer, praise, celebration, generosity, acts of mercy, and repentance (John 4:231 John 4:19Philippians 2:5-111 Peter 2:9-10Ephesians 5:18-20Colossians 3:16-17Romans 5:8-1112:1Hebrews 12:2813:15-16). 

Heaven is a biblical term applied to the chosen dwelling place of God. To be in heaven is to be in Christ in the presence of God. Believers are even now with Christ in “heavenly places.” When Christ returns, he will bring the new heaven and new earth, characterized by everlasting joy, blessed peace, and the righteousness of God, and where death, mourning, crying, and pain will be no more. At that time, heaven will be on earth (1 Kings 8:27-30Deuteronomy 26:15Matthew 6:9Acts 7:55-56John 14:2-3Ephesians 2:5-7Revelation 21:3-422:1-52 Peter 3:13). For an article about heaven, click here.

Hell is the spiritual alienation from God chosen by incorrigible sinners. In the New Testament, hell is referred to by the terms “lake of fire,” “darkness,” and Gehenna (a gorge outside Jerusalem where garbage was burned). Hell is characterized by punishment, torment, anguish, weeping and gnashing of teeth, and eternal destruction. The biblical terms Sheol and Hades, often translated “hell” or “the grave,” refer to the realm of the dead (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9Matthew 10:2825:4146Revelation 20:14-1521:8Matthew 13:42Psalm 49:14-15). 

God calls sinners into the fellowship of the saints, which is the body of Christ. Regardless of denomination or choice of Christian congregation, the spiritual nurture of fellow Christians is essential for a faithful life in Christ. It is from Christ that “the whole body [is] joined and held together by every supporting ligament . . . as each part does its work” (Ephesians 4:16).

Speaking of the importance of the church in the lives of Christians, Paul wrote: “It was [Christ] who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:11-13).

As Christians, we’ve been given a new identity in Jesus Christ. As his followers, we have been given everything we need in him. Jesus promised he will never forsake or leave us.

Jesus, who died for us and loves us, calls us to glorify him in every part of our life’s experience. Knowing we are secure in his love, we are a people committed to glorify him in all our relationships and activities. Whatever opportunities, challenges or crises we face, we are forever committed to bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ.

We believe that the essential doctrines of historic Christianity are those upon which Christian faith is based and which have been generally agreed upon in the experience of the Christian church. We believe that doctrinal disagreement on peripheral matters, while inevitable, should not be allowed to foster division within the body of Christ.

Paul wrote: “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). People enter God’s kingdom by responding to the gospel. Today, in GCI, by the grace of God, the kingdom is advancing. People are accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior and King. They are repenting – turning to Jesus and joining him in building his eternal kingdom.

We believe the Holy Spirit leads and enables Christians to live a godly and obedient life in the power of Jesus’ resurrection. The Spirit gifts believers to join in the active work of the church. Every Christian can help in significant ways, according to the gifts provided by the Holy Spirit, to advance the kingdom of God. The Lord calls his people into church fellowships so they are able to work together, with and for each other (Ephesians 4:16). Every Christian is called to make a difference for the kingdom of God in the name of Jesus Christ.

The Church was founded by Jesus and he remains the active living head of the church. United with Christ we are united with one another. In GCI we heed the encouragement of Hebrews to continue to assemble and share in the intersection of our lives.

Peter wrote: “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9). All members — men, women and children — are ministers of the grace of God. In other words, ordained career ministers are not the only ministers — rather, they are called to leadership for the specific purposes of preaching and teaching the Word of God and for the administration of equipping all members for Christian leadership and works of ministry.

Because we are created to bring glory to God, we believe in praise that is culturally sensitive and relevant. We strive to worship God through a variety of meaningful worship styles and occasions, blending traditional and contemporary in ways that bring glory to the name of the Lord.

Prayer is an essential part of the believer’s life in Christ and is an important part of both public and private worship. We believe that prayer leads to God’s intervention in our lives.

God’s people are stewards of his gifts, including our resources of time, energy and finances. He calls us to share generously what he gives us to further the gospel and serve others, just as he has been generous in his grace toward us. Many members practice tithing and giving of offerings as a form of Christian stewardship and worship.