Grace Communion International welcomes into membership people who wish to follow the Spirit on what we refer to as the discipleship pathway—the journey with Jesus from belong, to believe to become…


The gospel declares that because of Christ, all people are loved, forgiven and accepted by God—we all belong (Ephesians 1:4-6). Sadly, many don’t experience the unconditional love and acceptance of their heavenly Father. The result is sin and the pain it brings. But the Holy Spirit is actively working to help people come to know that they belong. 


As a person experiences that they belong, they begin to see themselves, then God, in a new light—they begin to believe


As believers mature in the faith, the Spirit transforms them into the fullness of who they truly are (and are becoming) in Christ. Growing into that reality includes engaging as coworkers in ministry with Jesus. For resources to help you grow as a disciple-making follower of Jesus, check out these GCI advanced training resources: 40 Days of DiscipleshipGCI educational courses.

Are you considering becoming a member of GCI? We encourage you to connect with one of our congregations by filling out the form below: